Monday, March 23, 2009

Vanilla Ice- cream with Tainted Coffee topping.

Ingredients :

Vanilla ice-cream

1 wafer stick

1 teaspoon of instant coffee

1 teaspoon of hot water

½ teaspoon of Liquor “ Orange Grand Marnier” or any liquor of your choice

Methods :

Dissolve the instant coffee with a teaspoon of hot water

Set aside to cool, then add in liquor onto the melted coffee

Scoop the ice-cream onto a cup, top it up with the melted coffee before serving.

FINALLY, EnjoY tHe CoOL DEsSeRt FoR a HoT dAY! Feeling Giddy???

WARNING!!! This is only for adults. For kids, ignore the tainted coffee totally, but top it up with melted chocolate instead.

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